Quileute Donation

We promote the Quileute Tribe and their need to save their community by moving to safer and higher ground. 

On their website, the tribe notes,
Move to Higher Ground is a comprehensive program to relocate the critical community facilities and future housing to the safety of lands above the reach of tsunami waves and flood waters.

The first priority of the Tribe is the relocation of the Quileute Tribal School.

Located on a former U.S. Coast Guard site, just feet above sea level between the Pacific Ocean and the Quillayute River, the location of the school has long been unsafe.

The K-12 school educates students from many tribes and nations, including QuileuteHohMakahNisquallyMuckleshootPoncaS’KlallamBlackfeetQuinaultShoshone-Bannock, and Yakama.

The school is comprised of ten structures, nine of which are currently located just feet above sea level, within dangerous reach of tsunami, storm, and flood surges.

Over 75% of students attend classes in portables with insufficient space for many Washington state graduation requirements and the teaching and preservation of Quileute language, heritage, and culture.

Please join their fight and help Twilight fans to give back to the tribe whose story was taken for our enjoyment. 

Move to Higher Ground home page
Direct link to donate